

Daryl Weber

Daryl Weber is the author of Brand Seduction: How Neuroscience Can Help Marketers Build Memorable Brands, which has been translated into several languages and has received rave industry reviews. A graduate of Columbia University, Daryl has worked as a brand strategist for some of the biggest brands in the world, including Coca-Cola, Nike, Johnnie Walker, Google, and many others. He was previously global director of creative strategy at the Coca-Cola Company and a strategy director at the brand consulting firm Redscout. Marketing guru Seth Godin has called Brand Seduction “powerful, profound, and beautifully written. Brand Seduction raises the bar for every marketer to do work that truly matters. Daryl is the son and co-author of Branding Democrats: A Top-to-Bottom Reimagining of Campaign Strategies, and now, a co-host of the Branding Democrats Podcast.

Ken Weber

Ken Weber, the author of Dear Investor, What the HELL are You Doing?, started an investment advisory business thirty years ago. Through innovative marketing and branding, he built it into one of the top 10 percent of investment advisories nationwide, based on assets under management. Ken is also one of the most successful mentalist/magicians in America. Newsweek magazine named him "one of the most frequently requested" performers on the college circuit. Ken and his son Daryl have a passion for politics, Democratic politics specifically. As branding experts, Ken and Daryl co-wrote the book Branding Democrats to help save the Democratic Party from itself.

Gabriella Martin

Gabriella Martin is a UCLA graduate with a passion for politics and journalism. She tables her academic achievements in Economics with career experiences in marketing, finance, and now politics. Her expertise is marketing strategy, content development, and brand management. Gabriella has worked alongside Ken Weber for several years at Weber Asset Management, and now again, as a producer and mediator of the Branding Democrats podcast. Gabriella is a dedicated activist of human rights and environmental issues, and is determined to help the Democratic Party save America.